* Cost from $4,000 to $10,000, jail sentence, and loss of license.

                     * Disqualify a person’s career in education, medicine, aviation, firefighter, law enforcement, armed forces, childcare, any job requiring a security clearance, to name just a few.

*May result in termination from current job.

*Increased insurance rates 40 to 50% for five years.

*Restrict international travel, i.e. Canada,  Mexico, Japan, Australia, South Africa & other countries.

*May lose right to carry arms and vote.


Why Learn About This Now? After Is Too Late - Damage Done

This is important information about how a DUI citation will immediately affect your life now and for years into the future.

The reason these severe penalties are not reducing DUI accidents is because drivers don’t know about the penalties until AFTER an accident or death happens. Too late – damage done. It’s like letting a child get hit crossing the road and then saying “Well, you should have looked both ways!

Having volunteered three years in a DUI offender program and hearing how a DUI had totally turned people’s lives upside down because they didn’t know BEFORE the criminal penalties a DUI activates, my sense of fairness said this isn’t right!  DUI penalties are so severe it’s only fair that drivers know BEFORE they receive a DUI what’s at risk and the devastating effects it has on their life so they will make the smart decision to never drive impaired.


Protect Your Future
So much to lose! So easy to save!

Everyone hears about the deaths and tragic injuries suffered in DUI accidents.  These are the devastating impacts a DUI citation has on a driver’s life immediately and for years into the future, and most importantly how to avoid these life-changing consequences.


DUI drivers cause 30% of traffic deaths. That 30% will be reduced once drivers know what’s at risk and how to avoid the severe consequences of a DUI by choosing to never drive impaired.

Create A Safety Plan

Create a safety plan to make sure you never drive impaired and promise to follow it! Figure out what will work for you. Here are some suggestions:

Have a designated driver. 

Before drinking or doing drugs plan a safe and sober ride home so you can enjoy yourself. 

Spend the night where you are. The floor or couch is better than jail – or a hospital!

Have a list of people that can pick you up and call them.

Get a breathalyzer to test yourself and others if there’s any doubt.

The cost of a taxi or Uber at twice the price is money well spent!

Best Decisions You’ll Ever Make!!

The Need For DUI Education Is Before, Not After

Utah Public High Schools Driver Education is using this program 

What is a DUI?

It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medical cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause.

Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.

Drugs And Alcohol

It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause.

Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment. 

Not A Drop

Utah has a “NOT A DROP” law which means that if a person is under 21, they cannot have any measurable amount of alcohol or in their system at any time while driving. It carries an immediate 6-month suspension with the possibility of suspension until age 21.

What's At Risk?

Careers not eligible for because of a DUI:

1- Medical field – any position
2- Education: professors, teachers, coaches +
3- Law enforcement, state and federal
4- Pilots license
5- Any job requiring a security clearance
6- Armed Forces, all branches
7- Plumbers and electricians
8- Firefighter
9- Childcare; nursery, pre-school
10- Mental Health
11- Any job requiring a driver license

A person can expect to be fired if this is their current occupation


It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause. Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.

Travel Restrictions

It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause. Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.


It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause. Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.

Consequences For Other...

It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause. Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.

Trust Lost

It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause. Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.

Dui Time Requirements

It is driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Prescriptions for pain pills, sleeping bills, cough medicine, medial cannabis, etc., are not “get out of jail free” cards. If you’re impaired, you’re impaired, no matter the cause. Check all medications for warning labels, ask the doctor and/or pharmacist to see if there is a risk of impairment.

Create A Safety Plan

Create a safety plan to make sure you never drive impaired and promise to follow it! Figure out what will work for you. Here are some suggestions:

Have a designated driver. 

Before drinking or doing drugs plan a safe and sober ride home so you can enjoy yourself. 

Spend the night where you are. The floor or couch is better than jail – or a hospital!

Have a list of people that can pick you up and call them.

Get a breathalyzer to test yourself and others if there’s any doubt.

The cost of a taxi or Uber at twice the price is money well spent!

Best Decisions You’ll Ever Make!!

Making the smart, responsible, important decision to follow your plan keeps you out of the "if only" world.

If only I hadn’t killed or injured innocent people!

If only I hadn’t driven!

If only I hadn’t let my pride and ego make the decision to drive!

If only I’d called someone!

If only I still had my license! 

If only I could get my job back!

If only my friends and family still trusted me!

If only I had all that money that I’ve paid in fines.


                                                      “Discipline weighs ounces,  regret weighs tons. ”                                                                                                                           Jim Rohn

Regret is not where you want to live.






Now You Know What’s At Risk
And How To Protect Your Future!!!

Having that plan to never drive impaired is so easy compared to risking it all; losing your job, your license, your future choices, becoming a criminal, losing trust, time, and lots of money.

It’s Your Choice

You only have one future – make it count!

Keep that promise to yourself to never drive impaired – no matter what!

So Much To Lose – So Easy To Save
